Monday 23 September 2024

Great Metal Albums of 1984: Accept- Balls to the Wall


If ever the saying, "never judge a book (or an album) by its cover" was relevant, it was certainly the case with Accept's album "Balls to the Wall." Ever since it's launch, the cover of the album has brought criticisms of homo-erotica and this debate continues even today. For me, while I never or will ever enter into that debate, I must admit that I was rather homophobic in 1984 and used to have the album face down whenever I listened to it. But homo-erotic album cover or not, it never stopped me from enjoying the content the album contains.

The title track is probably the best known Accept song ever. I remember it getting a considerable amount of airplay on the radio, though I don't recall ever seeing the video for it on MTV. That song totally blew me away at first listen. That catchy chorus just gets you banging your head away and singing along to it with all your heart and soul. It does the same for me even after all these years. Even if the song had homo-erotic overtones, which the band has always denied, I wouldn't have cared then or now.

As was the case in 80s Reagan America, the fact that the cover of the album was thought to entertain homosexual contents, meant the rest of the album must do so as well. Songs like "London Leatherboys" and "Love Child" also were accused of the same. Let me tell you that it was all a load of nonsense. The great track, "London Leatherboys" was about bikers and even if it wasn't, it's such a cool metal jam. "Love Child" is about gays but it's also about all people who are oppressed, which back in that time, was any non-conformist group or individual. It still doesn't stop it from being a great song. I have to agree with the words of guitarist Wolf Hoffmann who said, "You Americans are so uptight about this." He was totally correct.

In addition to the tracks I've already mentioned, the rest of the album is of the same greatness. Except for the acoustic closer, which in itself, isn't a bad song, each one of these tracks totally kicks ass. Then as now, I can't really pick a favorite apart from the famous title track. Power and melody are fused so well it's amazing. There is something to like about each and every one here whether it's hard riffs, catchy choruses or blistering guitar solos. "Balls to the Wall" was my metal introduction to the year 1984 and what a great one it was.

Track Listing:

  1. Balls to the Wall
  2. London Leatherboys
  3. Fight Back
  4. Head Over Heels
  5. Losing More Than You Ever Had
  6. Love Child
  7. Turn Me On
  8. Losers and Winners
  9. Guardians of the Night
  10. Winter Dreams
[caption id="attachment_4225" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Accept[/caption]

Do Dirkscheider- lead vocals

Wolf Hoffmann- guitar

Herman Frank- guitar

Peter Baltes- bass

Stefan Kaufmann- drums

Like I said, "Balls to the Wall" was my metal introduction to 1984 as I first heard it in early February of that year. I don't think I could have asked for a better one than this.

Next post: Rock Goddess- Hell Hath No Fury

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