Sunday 30 June 2024

Great Metal Albums of 1984: Daniel Band- Run From the Darkness


Satan had come upon me during the summer of 1984 because the Daniel Band had lots of airplay on the Sunday morning radio show, TCN Hot Rock. I remember liking what they played but for some reason, I never explored them further. That's why I say Satan had corrupted me because if I had explored the Daniel Band more, I would have discovered a long time ago what a great album "Run From the Darkness" is.

A little background on them, they were formed in 1979 in Toronto Canada. Their first album, "On Rock," offered a more progressive sound. However, with this, their second album, they went full blown heavy metal. They even wore dog collars and spandex when they went on tour for this album. Plain and simple, upon listening to "Run From the Darkness," I will second the motion that this was a heavy metal album. The first three tracks are definitely metal in your face, although I think the title track was the intended single. The third track, "Walk on the Water" is my favourite track on the album. The power chords are like Judas Priest and the harmonies in the chorus remind me of KISS in their heyday. Not a bad combination me thinks. They have also been compared to AC/DC, Boston and their fellow countrymen, April Wine. What's not to like?

The metal doesn't end with the first three tracks. Tracks four and five keep things ticking over very nicely. The latter is given the fan treatment at the beginning giving it that recorded live feel but "Sixteen" cooks regardless. In fact, the album doesn't slow down to the latter end of the album. "Live Connection" is almost thrash. Even the keyboard on "Wall" just complements the hard rocking sound of the song. After "Wall" is the ballad, "It's Over" and that's a very tidy power ballad. As is the track after, "My Children." This starts like a piano ballad and then the guitars come in and could flatten the walls of Jericho. The closing track, "In the Sky" takes things out in a typical metal way.

Let me once and for all dispel the myth about Christian Rock. I have listened to "Run From the Darkness" five times in the last week and not once did I find myself wanting to put my beer down and start reading my bible. Anyone who does that is just as liable to sacrifice a chicken to Satan after listening to Deicide. There are no in your face Jesus lyrics on here and even if there were, this album is good enough to where they could be singing about doing terrible things to dogs with a fork and I'd still enjoy the music from it. Added bonus is that lead guitarist Tony Rossi can hold his own with many of his non- Christian counterparts. Hey, the main can wail!

Track Listing:

  1. Don't Give Up
  2. Run From the Darkness
  3. Walk on the Water
  4. Never Gonna Die
  5. Sixteen
  6. Live Connection
  7. Let's Get Ready
  8. Wall
  9. It's Over
  10. My Children
  11. In the Sky

Tony Rossi- lead guitar, vocals

Don McCabe- bass, lead vocals

Bill Findlay- guitar, keyboards, vocals

Matt Del Duca- drums

Have I converted? In regards to the Daniel Band, the answer is yes. If anyone out there still thinks that Christian Rock musicians are second rate, then have a listen to "Run From the Darkness." This album, Christian or not, simply kicks ass.

Next post: Kerry Livgren AD- Time Line

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Sunday 23 June 2024

1984: The Rise of Christian Rock


The Rise of Christian Rock

Normally, I don’t write three posts in a week unless in exceptional circumstances which this is. Nothing major, I’m just going to be in Blackpool for the weekend and working a lot next week so I won’t be able to post again until next Friday. However, this doesn’t excuse any of you from your homework assignment from the last post. Only kidding.

1984 was the golden year of heavy metal but it also saw a huge rise in the interest in what has become known as ‘Christian Rock.’ With the onslaught of accusations of rock music being Satanic, Christian youth needed something they could listen to without their beliefs being affected. What emerged was a large number of bands and artists who were Born Again Christians and wanted to use music to spread their word and entertain the flock. I remember back in 1984 a lot of bands of this nature coming on the scene. In fact, early Sunday mornings, my local radio station had a four hour slot called TCN Hot Rock, where they would play music from Christian groups. When I did listen to it, I immediately dismissed the false belief that Christian bands were second rate musicians who were only using religion as a gimmick because they weren’t good enough to make it mainstream. Really, some people actually thought that. No these people could really wail and the music was very good and to shoot down another myth, not all the songs were in your face about Jesus.

You’d be surprised how many bands there are who are considered Christian Rock, even some of those who were popular among us heathens. Did you know that three of the four members of U2 were Born Again Christians? Adam Clayton is the only non believer in the band. Needless to say, their music got a lot of air play on TCN. As did another band who I featured here not too long ago, The Alarm. Other artists also came onto my radar thanks to this radio programme, including former Kansas star, Kerry Livgren. I’ll be featuring his album two posts from now. There was Mylon LeFevre, (no relation), Petra, the Daniel Band and it was here that I got my introduction to some heavy metal band called Styper. You might have heard of them.

The Alarm


I remember one song getting a lot of airplay on TCN Hot Rock during the summer of 1984 so I thought, I would share it with you. It’s by Steve Taylor and it’s called “We Don’t Need No Color Code.” The song actually is a rant against a supposedly Christian College in the South who was accused of racist practices.

Like with everything to do with religion, the concept of Christian Rock is great. Like I said on other blogs, I can listen to Stryper and Mercyful Fate in the same sitting. There are some pretty amazing musicians who are Born Again Christians and I think that’s cool. However, like with everything else, people mess it up and make it look bad. The rise of Christian Rock gave rise to the arrogance in the attitudes of those who listened to it. Some would take this to extremes and if you’ve read “Rock And Roll Children,” (shameless plug), you’ll know what I mean.

Next post: Originally, I was going to put a song by the Daniel Band on this post but when I listened to their 1984 album, “Rush Out of the Darkness,” I was so impressed that I’m going to make it my next post.

To buy Rock and Roll Children,

Sunday 9 June 2024

Triumphs and Other Happenings in 1984


Evidence that heavy metal had truly established itself in 1984 can be sited with the 1984 Monsters of Rock Festival at Donington Park, in England. This was the first and probably only Donington to feature seven artists and you can only look at the poster here, see which bands played on draw your own conclusions as to whether or not it was a kick ass day. I wasn't there but I know people who were and they can confirm it. The only negative comment I heard about the day was that Motley Crue had bottles thrown at them for making too many comments about sex, drugs and rock and roll. Something an opening band should probably not do. Anyway, to see Ozzy, Van Halen and AD/DC all on one stage must have been mind blowing.

I must apologize for Youtube not having any individual songs recorded from this memorable day.

[caption id="attachment_4130" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Cyndi Lauper[/caption]

You are probably asking yourself, "What is she doing here on an 80smetalman's post?" Well, some misguided individuals thought that Cyndi Lauper had replaced Joan Jett or Pat Benatar as the Queen of Rock in 1984. Nonsense, I say. I will never recognize Cyndi Lauper as such and will go to my grave stating that fact. Yes, I liked "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" the very first time I heard it but afterwards, I wanted to take an Uzi to the television every time the video came on MTV. The only song from of hers I nearly liked since was "Money Changes Everything" and a few years later, grew to like "I Drove All Night" a little.

So, why is she here you ask. Back when I posted about my weekend at Download, where I went to see wrestling, I mentioned that the Rock and Wrestling Connection began in 1984 and it began with Cyndi. At the time, wrestling manager, Captain Lou Albano, claimed she managed Cyndi Lauper on wrestling shows. Cyndi refuted that claim and without going into great details, she made a challenge to Captain Lou that she could manage a wrestler better than him. So, while Lou took Women's World Champion The Fabulous Moolah under his wing, Cyndi managed challenger Wendi Richter. I'll leave  you to watch the video to see who won but the Rock and Wrestling Connection started here.

There was a tragedy too in 1984 but that happened at the very end of the year, so I'm saving it for the end of the 1984 tour. So here, let us reflect on the happy times with all the great heavy metal and some wrestling too.

Next post: My Underrated Band

To Buy Rock and Roll Children, email me at: 

Saturday 1 June 2024

Great One Hit Wonders and Other Significant Song of 1984

 Its that time again where I look at some of the one hit wonders of the year I am visiting. There were some interesting ones in 1984 with others who were wrongly considered such by the so called mainstream public. Some great heavy metal acts fell under this misbelief. So without further ado, let's start with what was the most successful hit, "Missing You" by John Waite.

[caption id="attachment_4119" align="aligncenter" width="198"] John Waite[/caption]

What I couldn't believe was that after doing a bit of research, that John Waite had a pretty impressive discography. However, the only song I and many others will remember him for would be this great soft rock ballad that went to number one. Although many metalheads wouldn't admit it back then, they did like it. It can be found on quite a few soft rock compilation albums.

[caption id="attachment_4120" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Dwight Twilley[/caption]

The next one comes from American songwriter Dwight Twilley. He had been around for years as I have learned but he is best known for his 1984 top 20 hit "Girls." This mid tempo rock tune takes me back to the time when the build up to the metal explosion in 1984 was just about to happen. I haven't heard this song for years but listening to it for the purposes of research was very pleasant. I wonder if this one is on any compilation albums.

[caption id="attachment_4121" align="aligncenter" width="274"] Dog Police[/caption]

In 1984, MTV had a monthly segment called "Basement Video." The premise was six videos from unsigned artists would be played and the winner would go onto the grand final. In January, a video from a Memphis Tennessee outfit called Dog Police won with their self titled single. I even phone up and voted for it. What I remember about them was that upon the introduction to the video it was said that Dog Police wanted to become the Frank Zappa of music video. Unfortunately, that never happened and they only finished fourth in the grand final. Still, it's a great video and song.

[caption id="attachment_4122" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Rick Derringer[/caption]

All I know for sure with this next one was that I first heard the song  "I Play Guitar" by Rick Derringer in 1984 when I saw the video for said song. I loved it straight away! Now, I'm not sure if this song actually came out in this year but because 84 was when I first heard it, I'm including it here just because it's such a kick ass song. Before this, I had only heard how great a guitarist Rick was but this song proved it. And because I can't find the official MTV video on Youtube, you get this really cool live version.

Naff song of 1984

[caption id="attachment_4124" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Tracey Ulman[/caption]

In the eyes of most of the world, Tracey Ulman is a brilliant comedy actress. I love her wit. But in 1984, she put an album and MTV treated the world to the single from it, "They Don't Know." I had the misfortune of hearing it on the car radio a couple of months ago. The song is totally naff, with a 1960s pop feel and even the guitar solo sounds naff. Don't worry, I won't inflict it upon you, my readers, but rest assured, I am glad that she stuck to comedy. The rest of the world is probably glad too. However, I can identify with her sense of humour with the title of her album "You Broke My Heart in 17 Places." I have this habit of picking out numbers like that.

Next post: Music News of 1984

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