Huey Lewis and the News were another band I inwardly debated about featuring here. Most metalheads consider this band to be pop or top 40 and in some cases I would tend to agree. However, as my mind drifts back to 1983, I remember that I didn't hate them. My first experience of them came late that summer when I saw their video for the first single from the "Sports" album, "Heart and Soul." Okay, the song didn't have me fist pumping away to it but I did like the hard guitar part during the chorus. My verdict then was that "Heart and Soul" was a decent enough song and Huey Lewis and the News weren't all that bad. That was my attitude towards them, even after the release of the more successful single, "I Want a New Drug," for the next few months. Then, in February 1984, I happened to see them open for 38 Special. Now, I won't say that I became a die hard News fan that night but they definitely won my respect.
"Sports" was the making of the band. It produced several singles in addition to the two I already mentioned. "The Heart of Rock and Roll" is one of those fun filled songs that is an okay listen provided you don't take it too seriously. I have been in the situation and know others who have been in the situation described in the single, "If This is It." In fact, I think most of us have been left dangling by a boy/girl friend whom one is not sure if they want to stay in or get out of the relationship with you. Still, they make it seem okay with this light hearted song. Of all the singles though, my favourite happens to be "Walking on a Thin Line." Even though I never saw actual combat while in the marines, I still think the song speaks directly to me.
"Don't you know me I'm the boy next door.
The one you found so easy to ignore."
When they played this song, Huey Lewis asked if there were any vets in the audience. I think I was the only one who screamed "Yes!" I got some looks from people around me but that was Regan youth for you.
Besides the hits, I found "Bad is Bad" to be a good bluesy type song and the intro to "Finally Found a Home" leads the listener to believe that this song is going to be a scorching rocker. It's still not bad even though it does go more pop as it progresses. Both these songs, as well as, "You Crack Me Up," confirm to me that The News were actually a good band of talented musicians and I think they certainly had the potential to completely rock out.
Track Listing:
- The Heart of Rock and Roll
- Heart and Soul
- Bad is Bad
- I Want a New Drug
- Walking on a Thin Line
- Finally Found a Home
- If This is It
- You Crack Me Up
- Honky Tonk Blues

Huey Lewis- lead vocals, harmonica
Mario Cipallina- bass
Johnny Colla- guitar, saxophone, backing vocals
Bill Gibson- drums, percussion, backing vocals
Chris Hayes- lead guitar, backing vocals
Sean Hopper- keyboards, backing vocals
Say what you like about Huey Lewis and the News. Maybe they were a bit too pop but listening to the "Sports" album, I'm not really bothered. They proved to be a good tight band who could probably excel at playing any type of music.
Next post: Stray Cats- Built For Speed
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