When I returned home from the marines on the last day of June of said year, the album "Synchronicity" by the Police was the one I came home to. It seemed every time I turned on the radio, the song, "Every Breath You Take" was playing and if I left the radio on for any amount of time, rest assured, it would be played again. While that song may have been a big hit, (number one on both sides of the Atlantic) it wasn't one to me. In fact, when I heard it, I began to pine for such Police classics as "Roxanne," "Message in a Bottle" and my all time favourite Police jam, "Don't Stand Too Close to Me."
Fortunately, one song does not an album make. I will be posting about a reverse situation in the very near future but enough of that for now. The great thing about Police albums is that it was guaranteed there would be at least one song that I really love. In the case of "Synchronicity," it is "Synchronicity II." That is a really catchy up-beat jam and recently, I have began to wonder how it would sound if metalized. Plus, the lyrics, "Another working day has ended, another Russia has to face," has always amused me. "Synchronicity II" definitely ranks up there with the classics previously mentioned.
In addition to the two tracks already named, the album had several other radio friendly hits, "King of Pain" and "Wrapped Around Your Finger" being the most prominent. In spite of this, with "Synchronicity," The Police pretty much remain true to their reggae based roots. "O My God" is the best example of this and "Murder By Numbers" another one. The latter did get some air play as well. At the same time, I did have a good laugh when listening to "Mother," a very amusing song with Andy Summers doing the lead vocals. Furthermore, the great musicianship still remains on this album. Now, some people have been quick to assume that with all the radio hits on "Synchronicity," The Police sold out on the album. I was, at first, ready to assume that on account of "King of Pain" and "Every Breath You Take." However, those might be radio hits but the album itself is everything The Police were known for.
Track Listing:
- Synchronicity
- Walking in Your Footsteps
- O My God
- Mother
- Miss Gradenko
- Synchronicity II
- Every Breath You Take
- King of Pain
- Wrapped Around Your Finger
- Tea in the Sahara
- Murder By Numbers

Sting- bass, lead and backing vocals, oboe, saxophone
Andy Summers- guitar, keyboards, lead vocal on "Mother"
Stewart Copeland- drums, percussion, xylophone, co-lead vocals on "Miss Gradenko"
"Synchronicity" would be the last album The Police would record together. The band would split after the tour. Apparently, Sting's ego became bigger than the rest of the band. Joking aside, from what I heard, Sting and Stewart Copeland just couldn't stand one another. In any case, it could definitely be said that they went out on a high.
Next Post: INXS- Shabooh Shoobah
To buy Rock and Roll Children, email me at: tobychainsaw@hotmail.com
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