Once again, I'm mixed things up here and throwing in a metal album. Usually I don't visit metal album until the second half of my journey through any given year but there are exceptional circumstances. Those of you who have been following for a while have probably guessed why I'm writing about an AC/DC album. That's right, AC/DC tribute band Hell's Bells are coming to town this weekend. Unfortunately, they picked the same weekend as my step-granddaughter's christening so I won't be able to see them this time. Therefore, as my consolation prize, I thought I'd visit their 1983 album, "Flick of the Switch."
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What kind of drugs was I on in 1983? I remember listening to some of this album and not being very impressed with it. In fact, and this is going to confirm I must have been on drugs, I rated this album below their 1985 "Fly On the Wall" album. An album most AC/DC stalwarts say was their worst. Recently, I listened to the entire album after so many years and hell, this album is pretty good. Okay, it's not near the same level as "Back in Black" or "Highway to Hell" or even "For Those About to Rock, We Salute You," but this is in no way, shape or form a bad album.
From the very first note, "Flick of the Switch" has everything that has made AC/DC legends for forty odd years. It has all the trademark riffs that they had been known for, the tight rhythm section of Malcolm Young, Cliff Williams and Phil Rudd. Brian Johnson's voice hadn't begun to suffer and he still hits some pretty good high notes on the album. The closer, "Brain Shake" is the perfect example of that. Most importantly, Angus Young still blows people away with his solos. When I hear them on the songs on this album, I don't get that 'it's all been done before' feeling. There may have been a desire to go back to rawness and their might have been in fighting between Rudd and Malcolm but AC/DC come together to put out a fine album.
You know, I can't find a song that I don't like on "Flick of the Switch." On the other hand, I find it difficult to pick ones that stand out. When I hear one track and think, "That's pretty good," the next one comes on and is just as good. If there is one standout track, it would have to be "Guns for Hire" and that's only because I heard it before on the "Iron Man 2" soundtrack. Then again, "Badlands" is also a really cool song.
Track Listing:
- Rising Power
- The House is On Fire
- Flick of the Switch
- Nervous Shakedown
- Landslide
- Guns for Hire
- Deep in the Hole
- Bedlam in Belgium
- Badlands
- Brain Shake

Brian Johnson- lead vocals
Angus Young- lead guitar
Malcolm Young- rhythm guitar
Cliff Williams- bass
Phil Rudd- drums
Now that the drugs have totally cleared my system, I can say that "Flick of the Switch" isn't the worst album by AC/DC. It's a good, solid album that may have come too soon after their classics. On the down side, it would be during this tour that Phil Rudd would leave the band and be replaced by Englishman Simon Wright. The result would be that this band from Australia wouldn't have any members who were actually born there.
Next post: Berlin- Pleasure Victim
To buy Rock And Roll Children, email me at: tobychainsaw@hotmail.com
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