Hanoi Rocks didn't come to my knowledge until 1984 and there is a story behind that which I will tell when I get to the year, but as far as 1982, they were a complete non entity. Even though I was travelling around Southern Europe at the time the album, "Oriental Beat" was released, it still escaped my attention. I don't ever recall seeing it in that record store in Toulon, France. It became another album I had to trawl back through Hanoi Rocks's backlog for. Upon hearing it, I definitely don't regret it.
Now I don't want to brandish the term "party album" around too liberally, since I have used the term to talk about other albums but I have to say that it definitely applies to "Oriental Beat." This an album that would get everyone at a party just pumping their fists high in the air and singing along to all of the catchy choruses. It's easy to say that the band doesn't take itself too seriously, especially when I hear the lyrics of "Lightning Bar Blues" but there seems to be a vibe in the music that says that they do want to be taken seriously, at least a little bit. I get it most when I hear the closer, the ballad "Fallen Star." Plus, there are some good intros, like the opener, "No Law, No Order" and "MC Baby." Maybe that's what is so good about "Oriental Beat."
I have only met two people from Hanoi Rocks's native Finland and they were both ladies. I did think that with one, our meeting might lead to better things but, sadly, it wasn't to be. They both told me that all types of music are popular there and they both heard of the band. Though they didn't venture forth an opinion on them. As I listen again to the albums of Hanoi Rocks, I'm getting the impression that maybe Finnish people do like to have fun and maybe music like this helps them to do that. BTW, I do remember meeting another Finn but he was only eleven. Still, he was one hell of an ice hockey player.
- Motorvatin'
- Don't Follow Me
- Visitor
- Teenage Outsiders
- Sweet Home Suburbia
- MC Baby
- No Law No Order
- Oriental Beat
- Devil Woman
- Lightning Bar Blues
- Fallen Star

Michael Monroe- vocals
Andy McCoy- lead guitar
Nasty Suicide- rhythm guitar
Sam Yaffa- bass
Gyp Casino- drums
Next time you host a party, put this album on. I'm sure that if your guests are like minded about their music as you are, the party mood will be greatly enhanced. While, this might have been a retro album for me, I still enjoyed it quite a lot.
Next post: Motorhead- Iron Fist
To buy Rock and Roll Children, email me at tobychainsaw@hotmail.com
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