With the "Overkill" album, Motorhead knew exactly what direction their music was going to take. The proof in the pudding is clear with the "Bomber" album, released in the same year. This was another album that I listened to in retrospect, but upon hearing it, I was convinced that this was the sound that would define them. "Bomber" is one heavy speed-thrashfest from beginning to end. When I listened to the album the other night, I admit it was the first time in many years, I found myself head banging away. Unfortunately, I couldn't crank it to the required volume as it was 3 in the morning, but I can't safely say that it definitely did not put me to sleep.
Like "Overkill," it is difficult to pinpoint any one track that stands out, for once again, they all do. This is in spite of the fact that there are some classic Motorhead gems on here such as "Dead Men Don't Tell Tales," "Sharpshooter" and "Stone Dead Forever." Those tracks just go along with the rest of the other ones, making this one killer album. Lemmy and the boys should be dead proud.
Track Listing:
1. Dead Men Tell No Tales
2. Lawman
3. Sweet Revenge
4. Sharpshooter
5. Poison
6. Stone Dead Forever
7. All the Aces
8. Step Down
9. Talking Head
10. Bomber
Lemmy Kilmister- bass, vocals
Fast Eddie Clark- guitars, vocals on "Step Down"
Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor- drums
With "Bomber," Motorhead were well and truly on their way to metal dominance. This is a classic album and I wish that I had heard it back in the year it had actually come out.
Next post: The Scorpions- Lovedrive
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